

Project developed by: Adriana Caplova, Ana Curbelo, Hugo Liu, Cameron Burger

Collaborative project between SCAD, The Peninsula Hotel and Christian Action

Click Here to review in more detail the Construction Documents of the Nest Office


View of the activity space connecting with the learning room



The goal of the project was to redesign the offices of Christian Action by providing a contemporary approach at bringing the client a sense of comfort, safety and structure by forging the perception of shelter and familiarity.



Christian Action’s unique story and identity by developing a distinct narrative and design



Self-sustaining environment by providing the tools to do so



The quality of life to those that are disadvantaged, displaced, abandoned, or marginalized in Hong Kong


The project was located in Hong Kong, China. The purpose of the project was to provide smart storage to be able to utilize the different rooms for classes and offices for the staff and refugees in need.


Nest 16th Level Floor Plan and 17th Level Floor Plan


The Nest

The Nest, or the waiting space, is the first area new refugees come to interact. For that reason, it was necessary to design a space where everybody could feel safe and relax with a sense of familiarity and warmth. In here, adults and children can read or sit in the sitting nooks while they wait for further instructions. This space is always open for any of the refugees to chill in a quiet space and wait for their daily classes, workshops, or meetings with their social worker.

Nest - Waiting room


Activity/Learning Room

The activity room and laptop center can be two separate rooms or one large space that allows workshops and classes to happen according of their stablish needs. The activity room also serve as a space to storage donations inside sitting areas.


Dining room and kitchen view. Dining room serves as well as a multi purpose room for classes (view detailed drawing of flip up tables)


Flip-up table Detail Design

The dining space can be used for group classes or meeting when the kitchen is not serving food. The tables can be flip up revealing success stories from previous refugees to inspire others to keep going.

Custom Flip-Up Detail Drawing

Custome Flip-Up Table Elevations


View of the kitchen space showing the corridor connecting the dining room, kitchen and nest area by the end.

Connecting Corridor

View of the Kitchen Area space showing the corridor connecting the dining room, kitchen, and nest area (Waiting room) - 17th Level

Perspective concept sketch of the kitchen looking towards the nest area.


Custom Stool Storage

Custom stool storage Detail drawing

Custom Stool Storage model detail

POV Kitchen and Custom stool storage design



Design Process